Tuesday, June 29, 2010


he is amazing! i went to the exhibit today at le petit palais. my oh my was it amazing. he seemed like such a sweet soul, and so creative. he is mainly my inspiration for applying to l'ecole de la chambre syndicale de la couture parisienne. he went there and dropped out. it really worked out for him since christian dior had him take over. there was a part of the exhibit where there was a video of him drawing and audio of an interview that really touched me. pictures of his dog as a puppy, his work desk, and questions being asked to him like, who is your biggest influence? miss chanel. who is your favorite artist? picasso. who is your favorite musician? bach. softly and gently, he answered. i have to admit, when i was at the exhibit, i got a bit sentimental. he's awesome. thanks ysl for being.

quoted from the exhibit,"coco chanel gave women personality, yves saint laurent gave women power".

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