Friday, April 6, 2007

disasterous day in berlin

tried to go to vitra design museum. they moved it.
tried to go to hamburger bahnof. it closed 10 minutes after i got there.
forgot some pills at home. tried to get them at the pharmacy. they woudn't let me. had to go to the hospital to get a prescription. couldn't find it. took a cab to the hospital that was five blocks away. cant understand anything. had to go back to the pharmacy.

got back to the hotel and it was already 930. that was my day. i've had better ones. now i'm going to party it up. hopefully no disaster happens.

at least i had a good dinner...and i know where i want to shop tomorow. oh yeah i wanted to go shopping today, but all of the stores were closed by the time i was done figuring out my day.

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